Southern Vales Archery Club Hot Weather Policy
Southern Vales Club will endeavour to minimise the risk any particular activity poses to our members, both junior and senior, volunteers, visitors and the general public during activities conducted in hot weather.
On days where the forecast temperature for the Morphett Vale / Noarlunga area is likely to reach 38 degrees or above, the grounds will be open until the temperature reaches 38 degrees.
Once the temperature reaches 38 degrees, all training classes and club shooting will cease immediately and our grounds will be closed.
Note: The temperature will be monitored via a Kestrel temperature gauge on the club grounds.
QREs and Tournaments
Where a QRE or Tournament is scheduled on a day where the temperature for the Morphett Vale / Noarlunga area is likely to reach 38 degrees or above, the following measures will be put in place to protect the archers prior to the temperature reaching 38 degrees to enable the event to continue:
* Shading will be erected behind the shooting line
* All archers when not shooting will be encouraged to be under such shading
* Extended breaks will be scheduled between ranges to allow archers to rest
* Water will be made freely available to all to encourage hydration
* All archers will be encouraged to wear suitable hats
* A trained First Aider and a First Aid kit will be on the grounds
All juniors participating in a QRE or Tournament that is scheduled on a day where the temperature for the Morphett Vale / Noarlunga area is likely to reach 38 degrees or above must be accompained by a parent / carer.
It is the responsibility of the parent / carer to determine if the junior archer can continue shooting in the event.
If a decision is reached to withdraw a junior after the event has commenced, this decision must be communicated to the officials prior to leaving the shooting line.

Dehydration and heat stress=poor performance
Avoid heat stress and poor performance by adequate fluid replacement during your sport or activity.
• Exercise in hot or humid weather will result in additional fluid loss and increase the risk of dehydration.
• Even small degrees of dehydration will cause a decrease in exercise performance.
• Dehydration contributes to fatigue and may make you susceptible to cramps, heat stress and heat stroke.
• Players, umpires, coaches, officials and spectators can be affected by heat.
• Children are at much greater risk of heat stress.
Drink Up using the following measures
• Drink plenty of fluids.
• Don’t wait to feel thirsty, thirst is a poor indicator of fluid needs.
• Although water replaces fluids, sports drinks (containing 4-8% carbohydrate
and small amounts of electrolytes) provide:
• Additional energy from carbohydrate which can delay fatigue and
enhance performance, especially during prolonged events.
• Salts (electrolytes) which aid the rehydration process.
• Flavoured drinks such as sports drinks and low concentration cordial, as a result
of their taste, may encourage fluid consumption more than plain water.
• Cool fluids may be absorbed more rapidly than warmer fluids.
How much fluid do I need?
You can assess your fluid requirements by weighing yourself before and after exercise.
• 1kg lost=1 litre of fluid deficit.
• 2kg lost=2 litres of fluid deficit.
• Aim to keep these fluid losses to a minimum by drinking before, regularly during and then after exercise.
• Sweating and fluid losses continue after exercise. After exercise aim to replace at least 1.5 times the amount
of fluid deficit, measured at the end of exercise.
Your Drink Up routine
• Avoid starting exercise dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids for several hours prior to exercise.
• If you are well hydrated you should be able to pass a good volume of clear urine in the hour before exercise.
• Drink at least 500ml (2 cups) 1 hour before exercise.
• Drink at least 150ml every 15 minutes during exercise.
• During exercise take advantage of all breaks in play to drink up.
• After exercise drink liberally to ensure you are fully rehydrated.
Other ways to Beat the Heat and UV
While heat and ultraviolet (UV) radiation are two different hazards, there are some simple measures
to help reduce heat stress, skin cancer and sun damage.
• Slip on long sleeved, light clothing - light in colour, light in weight.
• Slap on a hat.
• Slap on a SPF 30+ broad spectrum sunscreen.
• Slide on some sunglasses to protect your eyes.
• Seek shade.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke
It is important that you are aware and react quickly to the following symptoms of heat illness.
• Fatigue
• Nausea
• Headache
• Confusion
• Light headedness
Beat the Heat Emergency Plan
• Lie the victim down.
• Loosen and remove excessive clothing. Cool by fanning.
• Give cool water to drink if conscious.
• Apply wrapped ice packs to groin and armpits.

Hydration Facts Sheets
Smart Play - Drink Up Beat The Heat
Australian Institute of Sport - Hydration
Sports Dietians Australia - Fluids in Sport