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Southern Vales Archery Club




The four Bulls Tournaments are held on the same day in July

Long Bull

Old Bull

Young Bull






This is an SVAC tournament for longbows and unsighted Recurve bows.

90 arrows at 30m on a 122cm face

It is a light-hearted competition and any persons found to be taking the competition too seriously may be disqualified, as determined at the discretion of the Organiser.

The “long” part of the name represents that is for long bows and other unsighted Recurve bows as determined at the discretion of the Organiser.

The “bull” part name of the name should not require any further explanation.


Members are only permitted to win this perpetual trophy once.

Member’s partners who have had to dust this thing for an entire twelve month period fully support this.





Alongside competitors of the Long Bull, are the previous winners competing in the Old Bull tournament.

The rules governing this tournament are even sketchier than the Long Bull, but just as much fun.

It will resemble something very similar to 90 arrows at 30m on a 122cm face.





Beside these two tournaments, the Young Bull tournament is held each year.

This is a tournament only for Juniors using unsighted and unweighted Recurves and Longbows.

Juniors 16 and under shoot 90 arrows at 20m

Juniors 17 and older shoot 90 arrows at 30m



These 3 tournaments are held on the second Saturday of July, starts at 1.30pm


Trophies are awarded at the end of year Presentation Picnic







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